Exploring Manhood: Oct 5, 2013
Saturday, OCTOBER 5, 2013 1:30 to 3:30 PM FREE |
Trinity-St Paul’s United Church THE CHAPEL 427 Bloor Street West |
Batuki Music Society proudly presents A reading of new works by playwright Kwame Stephens EXPLORING MANHOOD |
The reading… What is manhood all about? Does it have to do with a physical state of being or behaviour? Is it something that can be learnt or are we born with “manhood”? Playwright Kwame Stephens explores these and other questions in the following three one-act stage plays that will be read. |
“Dance Again” is the story of John who is single at 40 years old. Everyone seems to think they know why he’s single. “Pier 21 Cafe” is set in Nova Scotia where Mutuku is celebrating two years of being in a relationship with Yvonne. He however seems distracted. “Kofi’s Lessons” is about the new student from Ghana to Toronto. There are certain things that he can only learn in life. The playwright… Kwame Stephens is a Toronto based playwright, poet and writer. Prior to having his first feature length play Man 2 Man produced from 2010 to 2012, Kwame’s work was published extensively in Canada and English speaking Africa. Kwame continues to write stage plays, poetry, short stories, novels and more. |
Join readers Babs Jona (moderator), Ayo Dele, Vanessa Mercedes Mckoy, Fred O’Neil and Felix Bitaayi along with other readers. Engage in the discussion following the reading. This FREE event is part of the Canada Council Reading Program, which is administered through the Playwrights Guild of Canada. |