Nurturing the Community through Music & the Arts Batuki Music Society is an incorporated non-profit community-based organization that promotes African music and art through performances... ...
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Batuki Music Society

Que nous faisons
Presenter & Producer ConcertsFestivalsWorkshopsMentoring Program Curator Habari Africa FestivalOkavango OrchestraMaghreb ProjectSongs of My MotherSounds of SabaCoup de CoeurRumba: Soul of CongoChimurenga Revival Services Career DevelopmentArts... ...
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It is a difficult and arduous task to practice music and try to make a living in today’s economy. It is more difficult for new... ...
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Summer months are the busiest ones for performers of African music especially in Toronto where festivals happen every weekend from early June to late September.... ...
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Some musicians hail from well established communities (early African immigrants such as Ghanaians, Nigerians, South Africans); and it is often at community events that they... ...
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Otimoi Oyemu Directeur exécutif Nadine McNulty Directeur artistique Thierno Soumare Coordinateur de la production Kobinna Ulzen Assistant artistique, Coordinateur du programme de Continuum Beraa Mbaraza... ...